
Guideline for DMCA Report


If you believe in good faith that your copyrighted work has been copied and posted on Netease Creation Platform in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement under U.S. law, you can fill out this form and provide it to our Copyright Agent via an email to In the form, the required fields are highlighted in bold; we need such information to be able to process your report.


Our Copyright Agent

DMCA Service Center

Guangzhou NetEase Computer System Co., Ltd.

Unit 01, F2, Building A2,

5 Siyun Road, Tianhe District,

Guangzhou, Guangdong Province,

China, 510663

Tel: 86-10-82558027



Please note that we may share a full copy of your report, including your name, contact information, the name of the rights holder (in the case that you are an authorized representative) and the other contents therein to the person who posted the content you are reporting.


Please aware that filling a report of copyright infringement is a serious matter. Knowingly submitting a false report, including intentional misrepresentation regarding infringing content or action, or otherwise misusing this process may result in liability for damages and/or other legal consequences under the applicable laws.


Please understand that, this Guideline for DMCA Report and our policies and procedures related do not constitute legal advice. You may wish to consult an attorney or another advisor before filing a DMCA report with us.


As per our Terms of Services, we have the right to restrict, suspend, freeze or terminate the account of user who infringes or is alleged to have infringed the legal rights and interests of the others on Netease Creation Platform or by using our services.