
Reporting Infringements


The open media platform – Netease Creation Platform (including dy.163.com, its subsidiary websites and the related products, the “Netease Creation Platform” ) is an open platform for content directed to content producers and audiences in China. We are committed to providing services related to posting, storing and distributing content on the internet to the content producers who have registered on Netease Creation Platform and comply with Netease Creation Platform’s rules. Netease Creation Platform will not modify or edit the content posted by content producers, while the content producer shall be responsible for such content. For any user who believes that certain content on Netease Creation Platform infringes your legal right, you could report it to us in accordance with our Guidelines for Reporting Infringements.


In addition, for purpose of protecting copyright, for any right holder outside China who believes that certain content on Netease Creation Platform infringes your copyright,

  • 若您根据中国法律主张著作权侵权,亦请参阅上述指引;或者

    if you are claiming copyright infringement subject to the P.R.C laws, please also refer to the instructions mentioned above; or

  • 若您根据美国法律主张著作权侵权,您可以按照我们的DMCA投诉指引,向我们的指定代理人提交一份《数字千年著作权法案》(“DMCA”)项下的著作权侵权投诉。

    if you are claiming copyright infringement subject to the U.S. laws, you can submit a copyright infringement report under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”) to our Copyright Agent in compliance with our Guideline for DMCA Report.


Netease Creation Platform is govern exclusively by the laws and regulations of the P.R.C. Our responses to such copyright infringement reports submitted under the DMCA are for the sake of protecting the interests of the rights holders, which in any circumstances shall not be deemed as our directed activities toward any oversea market or our consent to any foreign jurisdiction.